Currency Master Key

  • List a wallets WAX Tokens (limited to 60 tokens with Master Key)
  • List a wallets WAX LP tokens (limit 60 with Master Key)
  • List holders of an LP pair (limit 60 with Master Key)

The Currency Master BOT is a BiHut Networks creation.
The bot has the current ability to list WAX wallets tokens and LP pairs.
Currently the only way to access these tools is if you have a Currency Master Key !

The Telegram BOT is live and the key holders gains access within 15 minutes of holding a Master Key!
The BOT is available to chat with in private !
Currently the bot is not available in groups but that might change with time!
There will be more updates that brings more possibilities in the future.
More of what or when will be announced on the website or in BiHut networks telegram group !

Commands and what they do:
/register waxaccount
(registers your wallet with your TG account)

/waxtokens waxwallet
(looks up tokens owned by that specific wallet)

/waxlp waxwallet
(looks up LP tokens owned by that specific wallet)

/lpholders LPTOKEN
(lists accounts and amount owned of a specific LP token)

(Lists your WAX Token balances)

(Lists your WAX LP Token balances)


Click the chest below to be redirected to the Telegram BOT!
